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Pinterest Meal Planning Tips: From Chaos to Culinary Zen

December 21, 20234 min read

Ahoy, my fellow mealtime navigators! If you're anything like me, you've sailed the vast sea of Pinterest boards in search of culinary inspiration, only to find yourself lost amidst a storm of recipes and food blogs. I'm here to guide you through the treacherous waters of Pinterest, helping you transform that overwhelming sea of pins into an organized, efficient meal planning tool that takes just minutes a week.

Creating a Pinterest Board

Selective Following: Charting a Course for Success

Before we dive into the Pinterest storm, let's talk about who you choose to follow. Imagine Pinterest as your culinary compass, guiding you toward mealtime bliss.

  • Be picky! Follow profiles that align with your food preferences and lifestyle. Whether you're a vegetarian, a busy working mom, or a culinary adventurer, seek out those who share your tastes and values.

  • Follow only those who you’ve found their recipes are ones you’ve enjoyed before, creating the “trusted” collection.

  • Avoid saving all the “viral” recipes and trends, unless you really make time to do those things.

Curated Boards: Finding Treasure in Thematic Curation

Endless scrolling is like sailing without a map—frustrating and unproductive.

  • Create curated boards that represent specific themes or dietary needs. Are you into Mexican cuisine? Create a "Taco Tuesday" board. Love healthy eating? How about a "Nutrition Nook" board?

  • Think through what will be the easiest way to find what you want to add to your meal plan

  • Avoid vague named boards like ‘Fun Food’, ‘Dinner Ideas’, ‘Foods to Try Some Day’, or ‘Baked Goods’.

This thematic organization will make finding the perfect recipe for your meal plan a breeze.


Quality over Quantity: Don't Drown in Pins

Now, let's address the ever-tempting "Pin All the Things" syndrome. It's easy to get carried away, but pause for a moment before you hoard pins like pirate's booty. It’s a little bit like going to the grocery store hungry, right?! Oh! I want this, and that look good, etc.

  • Take the time to read through the recipe and reviews to ensure it fits your skill level and taste preferences. You wouldn't want to end up on a culinary treasure hunt without a map.

  • Ask yourself….”Am I really going to make this?”

Regular Cleanup: Keeping Your Waters Clear

A cluttered ship never sails smoothly. Periodically review and clean up your boards. Remove pins that are no longer relevant or appealing to keep your Pinterest sea fresh and useful. This practice ensures that your culinary voyage remains efficient and clutter-free.

Clear water

Pinterest's Search Filters: Navigational Aids for Smooth Sailing

Pinterest offers some nifty search filters, so make use of them! Narrow down recipes by ingredients, cooking time, or dietary restrictions. These filters act as your trusty navigation tools, helping you steer clear of stormy recipe waters and toward the smooth seas of meal planning success.

Create a 'To-Try' Board: Charting Uncharted Waters

In your Pinterest armory, have a dedicated board for recipes you're eager to try. Once you've embarked on a culinary adventure and tested the waters, move the successful recipes to the appropriate themed board based on your experience. This way, you'll have a well-organized collection of go-to recipes, which is key part of the meal planning process we build in The Nourished Life Blueprint.

Track Successes and Failures: The Proverbial Captain's Log of Culinary Adventures

As you sail the Pinterest waves, keep a captain's log of the recipes you've tried. Jot down notes about what worked well and what didn't quite suit your taste or lifestyle. This log will be your treasure map, helping you navigate future meal planning adventures with ease.

Now, as you navigate these Pinterest waters, remember that there's more than one way to master the culinary chaos. The Nourished Life Blueprint, a 12-week hybrid program, can be your guiding star in this mealtime adventure.

In the Blueprint, you'll learn to reconnect with your authentic self, unleash your culinary creativity, and forge deeper family bonds through nourishing meals. It's the ultimate treasure map for transforming meal planning chaos into a sustainable routine that fits your lifestyle and brings joy to your family's mealtimes.

So, my fellow mealtime adventurers, whether you choose to embark on this culinary journey alone or with the guidance of the Nourished Life Blueprint, hoist your culinary flags, and set sail from Pinterest chaos to zen. May your meal planning adventures be smooth, your recipes delicious, and your family always well-fed and content!

Pinterest meal planningmeal planning tipsorganized meal planningcurated boardsNourished Life Blueprintculinary transformationPinterest recipesmealtime organizationfamily meal planningculinary adventure.
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Tricia Clark

Hey there! I'm Tricia, your friendly Mealtime & Relationship Mentor, here to help you discover your own secret sauce in the kitchen, conquer the mealtime chaos, and master the art of meal planning and simple cooking for a stress-free culinary journey!

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